Electronic Approval System
  Create Request Information

This page is accessible to all users in the eMPro-EASY Application.

This page is used to create a requisition request by an user. It displays the list and status of each request generated by a particular user.

When a request is created it either is displayed as a temporary request or request in workflow depending on the mode of submission, while if a request is returned, rejected or cancelled by any of the approvers it appears in its corresponding section in the Requisition list. Thus the user can always get a status report for the requests generated by him/her.   

  Functionality Provided
S.No. Actions Description

Requisition List


(i) Export

It is used to export the current page list to an excel sheet.

(ii) Print

It is used to take print out of the current page.

(iii) NEW It is used to create a new request by an user.

Create/Edit Requisition


(i) Go It is used to submit the page.
(ii) Save It is used to save the entries.
(iii) Download Templates  It can be used to download a Template.
(iv) Attach Primary Doc

It is used to attach a primary document to the request. It is optional in case of document which is not selected as a primary Document and Next button get automatically enable.

(v) Attach Supporting Doc

It is used to add a supporting document along with the primary document. It is optional.

(vii) Next 

It is used to submit the Create/Edit Requisition page to the Add Approvers page.


Add Approvers


(i) Add Approver

It is used to add the approvers for the request made.

(ii) Add Supporting Doc

It is used to attach supporting documents to the request.

(iii) Back

It moves the current page back to the previous page.

(iv) Save It is used to save the entries.
(vi) Submit to Workflow

It submits the request to the workflow and the request made now appears in the Request in Workflow section of the Requisition list.


Requisition Confirmation


(i)  Home It opens up the Requisition List page.
(ii) Attach Supporting Doc

It is used to attach supporting documents to the request.

  Operational Path
Generic Request >> Create Request
  1. A new request can be generated by an user by clicking on the NEW tag provided in the Create Request page.

  2. A Create/Edit requisition page gets displayed from where creation of a request is started. The following fields have to be filled by a user which are Company Name, Site Name, Requesting User name and Primary Document to be attached with the request.

  3. A primary document will be displayed only if one of the following conditions is met i.e.

    (a) An user must have access to a document.

    (b) A Site must have access to a document.

    (c) If Primary doc require is 'yes' then on the time of creation of request, user must attach Primary document and if any 

         document which is not a Primary document then it is optional and 'Next' button will be enabled. 

    (d) Workflow has to be defined relative to a Site and primary document, or the Department head of a requesting person        

         should exist, or

         Admin Boss must exist in case of Admin type of documents, or

         Technical Boss must exist in case of Technical type of documents.

  4. On submitting the create/edit requisition page after filling the required fields, a random Requisition number for a request is generated.   

  5. The user now has to provide information such as Requisition Description, Approval Description, Remarks, Requested value, Currency name and Keyword.

  6. Keyword can be used to identify or search for a request, in future by a user.

  7. The user then has to save the page by the Save button provided in the page and then attach the primary document. Attaching a primary document along with a request is mandatory.  Supporting document, if any, may or may not be attached as per the user choice.

  8. Now if the user performs the Save operation the Requisition list opens up and the request created will appear in the Temporary Request section and is not submitted in the Workflow for approval. The user can further Update the request to submit any of the request in the Temporary section to the Workflow for approval.

  9. For the Fixed Approver case when a user clicks the Next button on the Create/Edit Requisition page, a new page Add Approvers is displayed. The Approvers name is based on the Value involved and respective Document Workflow defined by an Administrator or Sub Administrator. The user has to add the Approvers who will be responsible to approve his/her request through the Add Approver button. The final list of approver names and their specific Workflow role is displayed to the user and if any approver is wrongly chosen the user can delete the approver from the list of approvers and resubmit appropriate approver to the workflow.

  10. In case of Flexi Approver only Workflow for a Site Document is defined by an Administrator or Sub Administrator.

    The user can choose any Approvers available in the the Name combo corresponding to the defined Workflow and thus define his/her choice of approvers through which this request will flow.

  11. Now till the request is not submitted to the workflow the request will appear in the temporary request. On submitting the request to the workflow a final page is displayed showing the Request Number, and the Requisition Request now can be seen in the Request in workflow section, until it finally gets approved.

  12. The user can easily view his/her request status and the approver with which the request is pending by clicking on any of the request in the Requisition list. However other sections such as the Returned and Rejected request depend in terms of the action taken by any of the approvers defined in the Workflow, while the Cancelled requests are due to cancellation of request by the Originator. 

  13. When a request is returned by the approver, a mail is generated to the request originator and the request will appear in the originator Requisition list Returned request section. The originator can resubmit the request to the Workflow after updating the request.

  14. The Rejected section contains the list of permanently rejected requests. A mail is sent to the originator of the request and for the rejected requests the originator is not allowed to update or resubmit the request to the workflow again. 

  15. The Cancelled Request section contains the Requisition request that were cancelled by the Originator while the request was still in the approval or Workflow cycle. Any request cancelled from the Request in Workflow section moves to the Cancelled request section.

  16. The Requisition detail of any request in the Create Request page can be known by using the Request No hyperlink.

  17. The Requisition detail list displays complete information about a request. The Requisition Detail displays the Approver list, Approver information, Applicability comments and the Attachments with the request.

  18. The Mail Flow of a respective request is used to know the flow of mails starting from the Request Originator to the Last Approver.

  Screen Layout
Screen 1 :- This displays the Requisition list and the different modes of request.
Screen 2 : This screen shows the first page from where the request generated is started.
Screen 3 :- This screen is displayed after the upper screen required fields are filled and submitted. 
Screen 4 :- This screen lets the user select the approvers which get displayed based on the request workflow of the Site Document . 
Screen 5 :-

This screen gets displayed after the approvers are added by the request originator and lets the user update the approvers in case of any mistake.

Screen 6 :-

This is the final screen that shows that the request has been forwarded or submitted to the Workflow for further approval. 

Screen 7 :- The Requisition Detail page shown here is of an approved request.
  Input Item Check
S. No.             Name                            Description
1. Requisition No.

The Requisition Number is the unique number generated to identify a particular request.

2. Document Title

The Document Title is the primary document  name attached when the request was created.

3. Company

The Company refers to the company name of the request originator.

4. Site Name

The Site Name refers to the Site name of the request originator.

5. Requisition Title

The Requisition title holds the Requisition Description entered while creating the request. 

6. Requested Value

The Requested value holds the amount and currency for the request generated.

7. Request Status

The Request Status shows present status of a Request.

8. Requested By

The Requested By field contains name of the request Originator.

9. Created By

The Created By field holds name of the creator of the request.

10. Created On

The Created On field contains the date at which the particular respective request action was made.  

11. Action
Temporary Request section has two actions Update and Delete.

Update is used to modify the previous inputs made in the request or submit the request to the workflow.

(ii) Delete is used to delete the request permanently from the Requisition list.
Request in Workflow section has one action available Cancel.
(i) Cancel is used to cancel a request undergoing the process of approval. Any Approver or user have to put their comment first in Cancel text box before going to cancel any request.

Returned Request section has two actions Update and Delete


Update is used to make changes to the previous request and resubmit the request to the Workflow.

(ii) Delete is used to permanently delete the Request.
Rejected Request section has one action Delete.
(i) Delete is used to permanently delete the Request.
Cancelled Request section has two actions Update and Delete.

Update is used to make changes to the previous request and resubmit the request to the Workflow.

(ii) Delete is used to permanently delete the Request.
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